It is valid for use on all public transport services
during the month written on the card, allowing an
unlimited number of rides on buses, tramways, subways
and urban trains.
Price: 25,80 €. The whole metropolitan area of
Rome corresponds to two zones.
Where to buy it:
- authorised vendors
- ATAC counters and kiosks
Where to use it:
- on all ATAC buses
- on all COTRAL buses
- on all underground lines (A and B).
- on the urban train lines (Met.Ro): Roma – Lido,
Roma - Pantano, Roma – Viterbo (only as far as
Roma Sacrofano Stazione)
- on any metro-type FS train (2nd class).
The card must be shown to ticket inspectors together
with a valid identity document. Passengers have to
fill the card in with their personal details.
NB: Monthly travel cards can be purchased from any
authorised vendor until the 5th day of the month. From
the 6th day on, the cards will only be available at
ATAC treasurer’s office, in Largo Montemartini
n° 17.
Integrated Monthly Travel Card
It is valid for unlimited travelling during the month
and within the territory of the zones written on
the card.
Price: The cost of the travel card varies according
to the number of selected zones. The territory of Rome
corresponds to two zones.
N. zone |
€ |
1 |
18,10 |
2 |
25,80 |
3 |
44,00 |
4 |
54,20 |
5 |
67,10 |
6 |
80,00 |
7 |
80,00 |
Where to buy it:
- authorised vendors
- ATAC counters and kiosks
Where to use it: on all means of transport operated
by ATAC, COTRAL, Met.Ro and Fs within the territory
of the zones indicated on the card.
The card must be shown to ticket inspectors together
with a valid identity document. Passengers have to
fill the card in with their personal details and the
selected zones.
Integrated Student Travel Card
High school and university students under 26 years
of age are entitled a student discount Travel Card.
The Integrated Student Travel Card is valid from
September to June. Students who become 26 during
the travel card validity period are still entitled
to use it until June.
Price: The cost of the Student Travel Card varies according
to the number of selected zones. The territory of Rome
corresponds to two zones.
Where to buy it:
ATAC counters and kiosks (only cash payment).
If you have an Italian bank account you can buy your
Student Travel Card in a bank, paying cash or by instalments.
Should you need to reduce the number of zones you had
selected during the card’s validity period, the
cost of the card will not be refunded.
Zones |
€ |
1 |
141,00 |
2 |
198,80 |
3 |
329,50 |
4 |
401,30 |
5 |
490,10 |
6 |
576,40 |
7 |
576,40 |
1 |
144,60 |
2 |
204,00 |
3 |
342,4,20 |
4 |
423,00 |
5 |
517,00 |
6 |
616,60 |
7 |
616,40 |
Where to use it
On all means of transport operated by ATAC, COTRAL,
Met.Ro and Fs within the territory of the selected
The card must be shown to ticket inspectors together
with a document proving that the owner is entitled
the discount travel card (identity card and proof of
enrolment with the university/high school).
The card must be filled in with:
- issuance date
- selected zones
- owner’s personal details.
In case of theft or loss of the card it is possible
to obtain a duplicate from the ATAC Treasurer’s
Office in Largo Montemartini n.17. The following documents
must be brought along:
- proof that the loss or theft of the card has been
reported to the Police;
- a passport size photo
- the receipt issued with the card
The duplicate will not be issued in case the remaining
validity period of the card is one month or less.
During the card validity period it is possible to
add a number of extra zones, paying a service charge
of 5,16 € and a sum equivalent to the surplus
between the cost of the new card and the remaining
value of the old one.
In case of proven impossibility of fruition of the
card, a total or partial refunding can be demanded,
paying 9,3 € or 12,91 € as a service charge,
according to the value of the card.
The refunded sum will be equivalent to the surplus
between the whole cost of the card and the value of
the period during which the card has been used (that
is the cost of a monthly card for the same number of
selected zones for each month during which the card
has been used).
NB: In order to obtain an Integrated Student Travel
Card you must fill in the specific form available at
all ATAC counters and kiosks and enclose a passport
Most important taxi-ranks in Rome
Cooperative Radiotaxi - Tel. 3570-63898
Cosmo - Tel. 88177
La Capitale - Tel. 4994
Pronto Taxi - Tel. 6645
Tevere - Tel. 4157
Zona Prati - Trionfale
p. Bainsizza tel. 3612472;
v. M. Colonna tel. 3215666;
pl. degli Eroi tel. 39720802;
v. Cadlolo tel. 3453198;
p. Cavour tel. 3204834;
p. Giovine ltalia tel. 385888;
vl. G. Cesare tel. 3725293;
v. Golanetto tel. 3720173;
v. Igea tel. 344723;
p. Mazzini tel. 3217764;
pl. Medaglie d'Oro tel. 3497397;
lg. Millesimo tel. 35503547;
p. Risorgimento tel. 39723702;
v. M. Romagnoli tel. 3497597;
Zona Flaminia - Cassia
pl. Belle Arti tel. 3202424;
p. del Carracci tel. 3233359;
pl. Flaminio tel. 3202727;
v. C. Fracassini tel. 3227516;
v. Belloni tel. 3290900;
lg.tevere Maresciallo Diaz tel. 3240290;
p. Melozzo da Forli tel. 3610137;
p. Monteleone di Spoleto tel. 3337216;
p. Giochi Delfici tel. 3290900;
v. S. Godenzo tel. 3351174;
Zona Parioli - Nomentana
p.Buenos Aires tel. 8416333;
pl. Don Giovanni Minzoni tel. 3225377;
p. Euclide tel. 8083103;
p. Fiume tel. 486680;
vl. Liegi tel. 8417600;
lg.Benedetto Marcello tel. 8558200;
v. Monti Parioli tel. 3226610;
p. Muse tel. 8085409;
p. Pitagora tel. 8078000;
pl.Porta Pia tel. 8558188;
p. Regina Margherita tel. 8552100;
p. Santiago del Cile tel. 8078090;
p. Verbano tel. 8548424;
v. Tre Madonne tel. 8072784;
Zona Bologna-Tiburtina - S. Lorenzo
v. F. Nardini tel. 8610800;
vl. Provincie tel. 44243433;
C. Castro Laurenziano tel. 4959240;
p. Confienza tel. 491363;
p. Lecce tel. 44232143;
vl. del Policlinico tel. 4452850;
pl. Provincie tel. 44243143;
p. Sassari tel. 44230621;
pl. A. Moro tel. 4452917;
pl. Stazione Tiburtina tel. 490290;
v. Tiburtina tel. 4957800;
v. Tiburtina 545 tel. 432010;
Zona Viminale - Colosseo - Esquilino
v. Amendola tel. 4744000;
v. Cavour tel. 4817876;
v. Giolitti tel. 483580;
p. Indipendenza tel. 4440703;
Lg. Leopardi tel. 733444;
v. Nazionale tel. 4883444;
p. della Repubblica tel. 4817976;
pl. San Giovanni tel. 7008888;
p. Santa Maria Maggiore tel. 4814333;
v. SS. Quattro tel. 7002504;
v. del Viminale tel. 484800;
p. Vittorio Emanuele 11 tel. 4464717/4467290;
Zona Centro
p. Barberini tel. 4814447;
v. Boncompagni tel. 484448;
vc. del Gallinaccio tel. 6793733;
p. Poli tel. 6783300;
p. SS. Apostoli tel. 6782622;
p. S. Carlo al Corso tel. 6878226;
v. S. Maria in Via tel. 6790955;
p. di Spagna tel. 6796686;
v. Vittorio Veneto tel. 4880777;
p. S. Silvestro tel. 6793183;
Zona S. Agnese - Montesacro
v. Bressanone tel. 86216880;
p. Crati tel. 86216660;
p. Gondar tel. 86216874;
v. Gualtiero tel. 8126008;
P. Talenti tel. 8278366;
v. Nemorense (S.Emerenziana) tel. 86216649;
p. Sempione tel. 86899203;
v. Temblen tel. 8314614;
v. Val di Cogne tel. 8106640;
v. Valle Melaina tel. 8170200;
p. Vescovio tel. 86211022;
ang. p. Istria v. Bisagno tel. 8606569;
Zona Trastevere - Montesacro - Portuense
pl. Flavio Biondo tel. 5810707;
p. Donna Olimpia tel. 5349549;
p. Lorenzini tel. 55261950;
p. Mastai tel. 5818400;
p. Rosolino Pilo tel. 5812800;
v. Portuense tel. 5280246;
p. Ravizza tel. 5349888;
p. Nievo tel. 5809961;
p. Belli tel. 5815667;
p. Ottavilla tel. 5881864;
pl.E. Morelli tel. 65742608;
v. Impruneta tel. 55263840;
Circonv. Gianicolense tel. 58200229;
Zona Aventino - Ostiense - EUR
p. Albania tel. 5758998;
p. Basilica S. Paolo tel. 5759278;
pl. dei Caduti della Montagnola tel. 5402209;
v. Cristoforo Colombo - pal. INA tel. 5913549;
pl. Giulio Douhet tel. 5916519 ;
p. Emporio tel. 5780800;
vl. €pa tel. 5924641;
p. Enrico Fermi tel. 5565517;
p. dei Navigatori tel. 5134333;
pl. Ostiense tel. 5743636;
vl. Campo Boario tel. 5755362;
pl. Caravaggio tel. 5943396;
P. Cina tel. 5205644;
Zona Lido di Ostia - Fiumicino
Aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci tel. 65010831;
p. Stazione Vecchia tel. 5629822;
Zona Vitt. Emanuele - Aurelia - Primavalle
piazza Capecelatro tel. 6279600;
piazza Chiesa Nuova tel. 6877333;
v. delle Fornaci tel. 636836;
largo Gregorio XIII tel. 66016110;
largo G. Guidi tel. 6663514;
piazza Irnerio tel. 6622000;
v. Aurelia tel. 66418189;
p. Pasquale Paoli tel. 6865333;
piazza Pio XI tel. 636900;
p. della Rotonda tel. 6786777;
piazza Zanardelli tel. 68806558;
v. delle Zoccolette tel. 68802642;
piazza Cancelleria tel. 68805083;
piazza Pio XII tel. 68308204;
Zona Appia - Prenestina - Casilina - Tuscolana
v. Appia Nuova(Alberone) tel. 7827944;
p. C. Canto tel. 7824205;
v. Casilina tel. 24303117;
v. dei Castani tel. 2316128;
Alt. n.615 v. Tuscolana tel. 76902222;
p. Lugo tel. 7013805;
p. Porta Maggiore tel. 70300022;
p. Porta S. Giovanni tel. 7009777;
pl. Prenestino tel. 70300239;
p. Re di Roma tel. 7023998;
p. S.Giovanni Bosco tel. 7100105;
p. S. Maria Ausiliatrice tel. 7887990;
v. Tor de' Schiavi tel. 21801000;
v. Etruria tel. 774004;
p. Zama tel. 778198;
Appia Pignatelli - Quartomiglio
lg. Bello tel7186550.