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2) Public health requisites

In order to avail themselves of the national health service, Erasmus students must submit Form E 128 to the local public health office in the area where they choose to live.
If a student does not have Form E 128, or if he/she is a citizen of a non-EU Country, he/she must have private insurance or take out unlimited insurance coverage in Rome for hospital medical treatment (i.e. without specifying a maximum insured sum). This coverage is to be taken out in the form of a policy simply paying the corresponding premium on post office account number no. 71270003 in the name of "LE ASSICURAZIONI D'ITALIA - Agenzia Generale di Roma" - "Conto 20" - Via del Tritone, 181 - 00187 Roma. In addition, he/she should specify "Assicurazione per permesso di soggiorno" on the payment form and provide his/her personal information.

IMPORTANT: At our university foreign students do not have any kind of insurance; therefore, it is up to them to provide for it if requested.

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