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3) Residence permit requisites

Erasmus students who have a scholarship for more than three months and all Tempus non-EU students must obtain a residence permit from the Rome Police Headquarters ("Questura") at Via Genova 2 - Tel. 06/4686-2216/3216/2540, open Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 12.00. The following documentation must be presented to obtain the permit:

  1. Form I-P.S. 178bis (obtained at the police headquarters and duly filled out and signed)
  2. photocopy of your passport with the visa issued for study in Italy (only for non-EU citizens)
  3. four photographs, each signed on the back
  4. form E111 authenticated by the local health authorities (A.S.L. for European Citizens) or a copy of INA ASSITALIA insurance policy (for non-EU citizens)
  5. copy of the certificate testifying to the award of an Erasmus/Tempus scholarship issued by the Erasmus Office of the University "Tor Vergata" of Rome.


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